Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dave Hitz Himself!!

Today I got the biggest thrill yet! Dave Hitz was speaking at a conference and I was able to get my copy of HTCAB that I love so much autographed by noone other than DAVE HITZ HIMSELF!

I knew that he had seen this blog because he posted a comment a long time ago. But I never thought he'd remember it and remember me. Can you imagine a better gift?

Dave Hitz, if you're still reading this I know that I didn't finish this blog reviewing every chapter of HTCAB, and I kind of lost focus, but now I know I really need to focus and get it done. It's the least I can do.

One last thing, I want to make sure everyone notices Dave Hitz's signature! It's just 4 vertical lines and a long Z all the way through. SO COOL!