Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dave Hitz: Beyond Bull Castration

Dave Hitz just wrote two awesome articles for NBC and the Financial Times! From the Financial Times piece, here's my favorite part:

I remember a sales call with the CIO of a large Wall Street firm. She started the meeting by saying: ”I think I know your story. You’re half the price and have amazing new features besides, right?”

It seemed like an auspicious start, but she went on to say: ”Sorry, but my current vendor meets my needs, and cost isn’t an issue because we’ve got plenty of money.”

Our vice chairman Tom Mendoza has a saying: ”Customers only open their wallets when they are in pain.” The good news for some is that economic downturns create lots of pain.

It seems simple, right? But this is exactly why Dave Hitz is going to kick ass especially in this economy. People won't just go with the market leader, they're going to go with NetApp, the little guy who's "good enough considering" (as Dave Hitz says).

In the NBC article, Dave Hitz really got me thinking about HTCAB:

If you’ve ever hoped to start your own multi-billion dollar company, or even just wanted to know what it feels like, I wrote this book for you.

Well, I don't think I'm going to start a multi-billion dollar company, but learning what it feels like from the master himself was well worth the price of the book!

In the intro, the person from NBC writes:

Dave Hitz is a major-league tech-wonk but he’s also the type of guy you want to meet, and share a laugh with over a beer or two. I mean how many tech wonks can you actually say that about?

Man, can you imagine? And I bet that guy from NBC doesn't even really appreciate it. Maybe some day...

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