Thursday, April 9, 2009

HTCAB: Chapter 7

"This chapter is the story of how NetApp learned to satisfy the largest corporations in the world and matured into a grown-up company." That pretty much sums it up. I don't know if he saw the current situation coming, but Dave Hitz wrote:

Fortunately for us, the tech crash sent the economy south, and the recession was good for us. It created so much pain that conservative enterprise customers were forced to consider new solutions. The attitude changed from, I'll be promoted if I keep things working to I'll be fired if I don't cut costs. The tech crash also gave us extra incentive to go after the nterprise companies, because our Internet and technology customers -- 70 percent of our revenue -- pretty much stopped buying.

The implication is pretty clear that this current and worse recession is going to be even better for NetApp especially considering that they used to be fighting to get into all these deals, and now everyone knows about Dave Hitz's company!

Next up came more of Dave Hitz playing with ideas:

I love using thought experiments to test ideas. On a business trip, I noticed a coffee machine in my hotel room, and I started asking myself questions. What if I were Mr. Hilton, and I had hundreds of hotels, each with hundreds of rooms, and each room had a Mr. Coffee? What would my problems be -- aside from my granddaughter Paris -- and how would I solve them?

The idea is that coffee makers probably break all the time, and there's no way to know so people staying in the hotel rooms would have no coffee, no way to make it, and no way to get a new coffee maker. Dave Hitz came up with the idea to have the coffee makers phone in to mission control in case they were broken. Brilliant! And take that Paris Hilton!

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