Thursday, January 22, 2009

Non-Stop Hitz

I've been a big Dave Hitz follower for a little while now, and I thought the release of his book would be a good occasion to start a blog following the various goings-on of him and his company, NetApp.

My copy of How To Castrate a Bull arrived today and I can't wait to get started. Stay tuned for a chapter-by-chapter review. I'll try not to include too many spoilers! For now, check out the book's website: My favorite part of the site is the Q&A with none other than the man himself.

If you haven't seen it already, check out Chapter 0. As a hacker myself, I love that he went with zero rather than one; take that English majors! I can't wait to find out how he's both the "product of a tryst in a squalid Times Square flophouse and was raised by a brothel owner and his opium-using wife" and "the son of comfortable and educated middle-class parents..."

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